Tarkio Presbyterian Hand Bell Choir and Adult Vocal Choir
Our Tarkio Presbyterian Hand Bell Choir and Adult Choir is directed by Linda Lee and Susan Slaughter. They are outstanding choirs to hear as well as to be a member. We welcome anyone who loves music to join our choirs. We have bell and choir practice on most Wednesday evenings through the school year at 6:00 and 7:00 p.m. respectively.
Tarkio Presbyterian Women
Our Tarkio Presbyterian Women are the women of our church. Our national mission is carried out through our mission pledge to Presbytery, the birthday offering, and thank offering. Our community involvement includes meal delivery for the Nutrition Center, helping at the food pantry. The prayer chain is a vital mission in the congregation. Greeting cards are sent to church members and shut-ins. Dinners are served to bereaved families. Flowers are provided for the sanctuary. Our fund raisers for the year are the sale of packaged nuts of all kinds.
Tarkio Men’s Breakfast
Our Tarkio Presbyterian Men gather one Saturday a month for a Breakfast at 9:00 am in the morning at the Manse or in the Fellowship Hall of the Church Building. We share a breakfast cooked by at least two men, or made in advance by their spouses. We have fun, fellowship, and one Man prepares a devotion for us to hear and share. We have explored at times opportunities to be of service to the Manse, Church Building, the Tarkio community or other mission opportunities.